In recent times we have covered things like security features, making money through advertising and choosing correct design approaches while setting up websites. Security, money, design. Check. So, we are set to go then, right? Wrong.
Your website might be the Walt Disney Concert Hall of the Internet, and yet one tiny but important detail can ruin everything.
In many instances, the choice of a domain name is a key to website’s success or failure.  The example above clearly shows the problem – the address bar has no mercy or soul – it has yet to learn about sensitive stuff like the difference between rapists and therapists.
I know that many advisers on the web compare the branding process to naming a baby. Um, we only sort of agree with this here at SkaDate. True, the name should be unique notwithstanding your targeting area – dating software production, social network building, or MMORPG interest club running, but not too unique. Calling your portal Nirodtas Ald’augh’s Dungeon is just asking for trouble.
Also, there are people out there, who prefer naming their blogs or websites after themselves. It is not the best business solution, sure, but it still can work, if your name is Sting or Madonna. Not so much if you are one of those people with fun-loving parents, who torture their offsprings with stuff like Terry Bull or Stan Still. Imagine a domain name for Harry Bush’s Gateway to Love. Maybe not.
Of course, we realize that there are cases when your name is Markwart von Pentz. That’s just pure awesomeness right there! Dropping that might seem like a lost opportunity, and yet getting it down as a domain will likely lead to all sorts of hilarious misunderstandings.
Now consider the business side of the matter. Mimicking already successful ventures might seem like the best idea ever. After all, Chinese knock-off makers prosper with stuff like iFone, Soney, and Mikrosoft. So, why not name the newest trailer-parking social network and be done with it? Well, unless you want to confuse the hell out of your users (not to mention angering them), maybe you should opt out of the idea. But look at the bright side – you can become a meme and the whole of Internet will have a laugh at your expense!
So what are we to do then?
I could give you a lengthy lecture on the subject. Unfortunately, it’s rather boring and today is Friday. So, instead of listing over 9000 tips on domain naming (all readily available elsewhere), I will give you a condensed run-through on what not to do. Do not make it complicated. Do not make it too long. Do not add numerals. Â Do not make it obscure. Do not make it way off the website’s focus. Do not make it keyword-poor. Do not make it hard to type. So, basically, make it You can’t miss after that.
I don’t want to brag but look at the top of the page That’s the simplicity and clarity I’m talking about. The chance of mispronouncing it is slim and you know that you are entering a commercial entity that is linked to dating (and perhaps some Jamaican music). Easy to remember, easy to type, easy to find. I wish it could be the same with that therapist…
Here are a few examples of good domain names our customers chose for their SkaDate-powered websites: